Our Mandate

To serve the community's greatest needs

We perform a wide variety of local fundraising and service projects. We assess our community’s greatest needs to determine what projects to undertake and how to distribute funds raised within our local community.

MRI Cheque-2024
Kinsmen Donation of $20,000 to the Perth & Smiths Falls District Hospital Foundation MRI Campaign

What we do

We plan and support amazing projects that help change the lives of citizens of our community, both young and the young-at-heart.

TV Bingo

Enjoy on-line Kinsmen TV Bingo live on Your TV, Cogeco channel 700
Weekly from September until the end of June on Monday nights from 5:30 – 6:30pm.


Throughout the year our local Kinsmen sponsor events to support local causes within our community.


By volunteering with our local Kinsmen club at events and service projects, you will support the efforts of Kin members who are working together to better our community.

Our numbers speak

Volunteer members impacting Canadian communities through service, leadership, fellowship, and personal development. 

Members in Canada
0 +
Raised since 1920
Clubs in Canada
0 +
Raised Locally
$ 0 K+